What's been happening on the Great Plains over the past two weeks is unprecedented not only because of its immense magnitude but also because of the complete disinterest corporate media has displayed in covering these historical events.
After enduring centuries of suffering and struggle to preserve their way of life, Native Americans are once again faced with a grave threat to their culture, their sacred spaces, and their children's future. The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which has been temporarily halted, directly threatens the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation's water supply and other treaty lands including sacred burial grounds. DAPL will cross the Missouri River multiple times. Over a dozen pipelines have leaked in North Dakota thus far this year and there is little confidence the same would not happen with DAPL. If it leaks or breaks, it would threaten not only the people of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe but also the 18 million people who live downstream and depend on the Missouri River for drinking and tap water.
Recognizing this immense threat and the ramifications it could have for future generations, the people of Standing Rock, many on horseback, stood up to oppose the construction of this pipeline. And while corporate media reported ad nauseum whichever ridiculous thing Trump had to say in a given day, Native people took to social media to call for solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux. And with this call, something historical and beautiful happened; tribes from around the country came together to form a prayer camp to sing, dance, celebrate their cultures, and fight against these enormous oil entities with virtually limitless resources at their disposal. People have been rallying around the world in solidarity. The coalition of tribes now present at the Sacred Stone Camp is the largest in history, larger even than any coalition which opposed the initial white conquerors.
These historical events should be on our major news networks everyday, but there are a few very simple explanations as to why they will never cover these events until a critical mass has been reached. With the exception of an exceptional several minute commentary by Lawrence O'Donnell, virtually every corporate media program has ignored the events in Standing Rock. One need not look any closer than the ads that play on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC to see why they'll never give a damn about Standing Rock. Think about how many "I'm an energy voter", Exxon, or insidiously named "Protect Colorado" ads you've seen on TV. All of these are paid for by big oil interests and the enormous amount of money they spend on advertisements without a doubt influences reporting on these networks; they'd never cover a story that portrays their owners in a negative light.
But what's happening in Standing Rock cannot be stopped. Native and non-Native people are answering the call to oppose DAPL, invest in clean renewable energy, and do everything we can for future generations. We will do this without the media if we have to because we do not need them. True power lies in the people and that power has finally been channeled. Now take to the streets. Spread the news on social media. And never stop fighting until the lands our descendants will inherit are protected and respected!