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Strategic Plan 2017

A new tide is rising in the Pikes Peak region – a tide of everyday citizens who are tired of being ignored and are ready to make a lasting, positive impact on their community which will benefit all, not just the powerful few. We are Unite Colorado Springs, and we are this tide. We are united, invigorated, and empowered. And we will finally be heard.   


For too long, the voices of everyday people in the Pikes Peak region have been drowned out by those with immense power and influence. Those same powerful voices directly influence decisions at the local and state level, and represent the interests of the well-to-do and establishment – not the interests of the overwhelming majority of this region’s inhabitants. Recognizing the immediacy of the need for an organization to finally give a voice to the voiceless in our community, Unite Colorado Springs will listen to and express the will of the people of the Pikes Peak region. To accomplish these goals, Unite Colorado Springs will focus its 2017 efforts on the following:


City Council Elections: After the results of the 2016 general election came in, it became clearer than ever that the people of this country and this region are sick of more of the same at every level of government – backroom deals, talk and no action, and politicians who care more about their donors than the people they are supposed to represent. Politicians in Washington and in the local establishment have in many cases forgotten about the needs, worries, and aspirations of their constituents. City Council candidates must reflect the values of the people they wish to represent, not just the people funding their campaigns. Moving forward, Unite Colorado Springs will endorse, support, and mobilize behind City Council Candidates for the 2017 municipal elections who will most effectively address the issues important to our members, who will actively engage the community, and who will be tireless voices for everyday citizens of Colorado Springs.


Keeping Pressure on City Council: Electing great candidates to City Council is a critical step towards achieving good local government that works for all. But even the most well-intentioned candidate can fall victim to the entrapments of the world of politics and lose sight of the issues their constituents want addressed. In addition to supporting great candidates for City Council, Unite Colorado Springs will make sure City Council knows we expect them to fulfill the promises they make during their campaigns. But more than just keeping to campaign promises, City Council must be willing to listen to constituents when we express concerns to them as well. Only a collaborative effort between us, the people, and City Council will help us achieve the best future for all. Unite Colorado Springs also recognizes the immensity of the task of moving City Council on certain issues, especially when powerful interests are supporting certain measures. To harness the power of the people as a counterbalancing force against these powerful interests, Unite Colorado Springs will use a wide variety of tools at our disposal including:


  • Direct action

  • Petitions

  • Letters to the editor

  • Digital campaigns

  • Lobbying efforts

  • Deep canvassing

  • Collaboration and cooperation with other organizations

  • Media campaigns

  • Publications

  • Innovative methods


Coalition Building: As a progressive and independent organization, Unite Colorado Springs seeks to bring together individuals and organizations dedicated to positive change in the Pikes Peak region. Rather than duplicating existing efforts, Unite Colorado Springs will provide auxiliary support to existing organizations, partner with organizations on initiatives and projects, and establish activation mechanisms for mobilizing the coalition around issues and candidates. Rather than just reaching out to the powerful and well-to-do, Unite Colorado Springs will go to every corner of our community to build relationships with as many of our fellow citizens and oft-forgotten organizations as possible. We need your voice and the voice of other organizations for all of us to succeed together.

Addressing Specific Issues: The world, the United States, and the Pikes Peak region are on the precipice of immense change, much of which will have ramifications for generations to come. Although the Pikes Peak region is already great, it is undeniable that much must be done to improve the region and make it work for all its citizens. Unite Colorado Springs will develop innovative campaigns and collaborate with existing organizations to educate, advocate for, and pass legislation designed to begin addressing:


  • Environmental Issues

    • Sustainable development

    • Protecting public land and water

    • Renewable energy

    • Retraining

  • Supporting and strengthening public education

    • Well-funded school districts

    • Great teachers

    • Best methods

    • Innovation

  • Affordable Housing and Homelessness

    • Permanent housing

    • Accessible affordable housing citywide

    • Appropriate use of HUD money

    • Using effective models from elsewhere to solve crisis

  • Investing in local businesses, ranches, and farms

    • Economic gardening

    • Green Silicon Valley

    • Recreational marijuana

  • Addressing Mental Health Issues

    • Adequate funding and resources

    • LGBTQ & veteran - specific resources and outreach


Standing With Marginalized Groups: Unite Colorado Springs recognizes the real and present danger of the incoming Trump administration, and is particularly concerned about what impact this administration will have on the lives of the people targeted by Trump during his campaign who live in the Pikes Peak region. Immigrants, Latinos, African-Americans, LGBTQ folks, Muslims, women, and the disabled have been continually targeted by Trump’s campaign. Unite Colorado Springs will use every tool at our disposal to stand for justice, equality, and liberty for all Americans.


Education: Though national elections are by far the most discussed and covered, the overwhelming majority of change occurs at the local level. Additionally, local government is where you the citizen are most likely to have your voice heard. But far too often, citizens are not nearly engaged or educated enough on the importance of local politics. Unite Colorado Springs will partner with organizations already educating the community in addition to developing our own educational efforts, including trainings, workshops, forums, and town halls.


Engaging You and the “Other” Side: Unite Colorado Springs is not just an organization – it is a movement of people dedicated to making the world a better place for all our children and their children. Far too often, politicians and organizations lose sight of the needs of those they represent. Unite Colorado Springs remains dedicated to constantly engaging you, the people, at every step of the process.


For those of us on the left to the center of the political spectrum, achieving tangible change in this area has been very difficult for a very long time. The reactionary establishment is very well-entrenched and powerful, but reaching out to those we would usually consider on the “other” side will be critical for us to make inroads in our community. Unite Colorado Springs will implement deep canvassing programs to begin open, constructive channels of dialogue with our conservative neighbors as well as our base of supporters.

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